Bio Fertilizer
1. PROM ( A substitute of DAP )
P2O5 10.4%, N (T) 0.4%, Organic Carbon (Min) 7.9%, CN Ration- Less than 20:1, Moisture (Max) 25%
• Play as basic nutritional food for soil at the time of sowing.
• lmproves the soil structure.
• Phosphorus, Nitrogen & Organic Carbon helps to keep the luster / Moisture of soil.
• Keeps the fertility of land alive.
• Moveable organic carbon helps to improve the efficiency of crop growth.
• Prevents Iand from being acidic &toxic
• Improves the water holding capacity of land
2. BIO NPK. (Carrier Based Consortia)
Bio-NPK is a carrier based granular biofertilizer which contains highly efficient consortia of beneficial bacteria of soil origin with the count of 5x10^ cfu/gm as per FCO norms. The consortia mainly includes Nitrogen fixing bacteria, Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), Potash mobilizing bacteria (KMB) and Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR). The required moisture content is added in the product which helps to maintain the bacterial populations and its shelf life.
• Nitrogen-fixing bacteria transform atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia, which can be easily taken up by plants.
• PSB secretes various organic acids which solubilizes non- available form of inorganic phosphates to easily available form.
• KMB make available potassium from soil by the process of mineralization. It also promotes accumulation of carbohydrates as a Osmo-protectant in leaves which protect plants under saline stress.
• The bacterial consortia also secrete several plant growths promoting bioactive substances i.e. hormones, vitamins and enzymes which enhances seed germination rate & early emergence and better root development.
• lncreases the availability of micronutrients i.e. Mn, Mg, Fe, Mo, B, Zn and Cu to the plants. These elements also help to accelerate the photosynthetic activity of plants.
• Develops resistance in plants against drought and natural diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, pests, nutrients deficiency etc.
3. Bio-potash (KMB) Potassium Mobilizing Bio- fertilizer
Bio-KMB is a carrier based granular biofertilizer which contains highly efficient bacterial species of potassium mobilizing bacteria (KMB) with the count of 5x1o^cfu/gm as per FCO norms. Potassium is also an important macronutrient as Nitrogen and Phosphorus for the complete growth of plants. Potassium can be easily available to plants through the process of mineralization by KMB. The required moisture content is added in the product which helps to maintain the bacterial populations and its shelf life.
Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (KMB) solubilizes the K-bearing minerals and converts the insoluble K to soluble forms of K available to plant uptake.
• Significant enhancement of seed germination rate, seedling vigor, plant growth, yield, and K uptake by plants.
• Adequate quantities of potassium also help the plant in different aspects of quality such as grain size and appearance, oil content, tuber size, starch content, and fruit ripening.
• Protects the plants from salinity injury by enhancing its growth-related physiology like, stomatal conductance, electrolyte leakage and lipid peroxidation.
• Develops resistance in plants against diseases and environ menta I stress conditions.
• Mineralized form of potassium plays a key role in the formation of sugars which helps in attaining quality yields.
• Bio-KMB works in all types of soil because the bacteria are resistant to a wide range of pH and temperature of soil.